God Forgets

by | 202401, Devotionals

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Narrated by Sonjia Calit & Written by Bhuboy Pioquinto

Sapagkat patatawarin ko sila sa kanilang mga kasalanan, at kalilimutan ko na ang kanilang mga kasamaan.

Mga Hebreo 8:12

What? Nakakalimot ang Diyos? Di ba powerful Siya? Di ba alam Niya ang lahat ng bagay?  Yes, pero pagdating sa ating mga kasalanan, kinakalimutan Niya ang mga ito. Kapag tayo ay nagsisi at humingi ng tawad sa Diyos, inaalis Niya at nililimot ang ating mga kasalanan.

Imagine kung hindi lilimutin ng Diyos ang ating mga kasalanan, hindi tayo makakapagpray  at hindi tayo makakalapit sa Kanya dahil isusumbat ng Diyos sa atin ang mga ito. Micah 7:19 (NLT) says, “Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean!”

As far as oceanography is concerned, the Mariana Trench, which is 11,034 meters deep, in the North Pacific Ocean is the deepest point on Earth. A terrible place of cold, high pressure, and darkness, it is said to be the harshest environment sa buong mundo.

How deep is it really? You can put the entire Mount Everest beneath it, and its peak will not be able to emerge from the ocean. Puwede ring ilagay dito ang Burj Khalifa building, the highest building in the world, 13 times! Ganun kalalim, at metaphorically speaking, diyan itinatapon ng Diyos ang ating mga kasalanan upang huwag na nating alalahanin, halungkatin, at balik-balikan pa.

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Lord Jesus, thank You for forgiving and forgetting my sins no matter how awful they were and for giving me a new slate. I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and empower me to overcome all my problems and sins. Amen.


Confess your sins to Jesus, ask for His forgiveness, and move on. Jesus will remember them no more.



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