JULY 2022

Hindi Ka Malas

by | 202207, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Marlene Munar

Tinubos tayo ni Cristo mula sa sumpa ng Kautusan nang siya ay isinumpa para sa atin, sapagkat nasusulat, “Isinumpa ang bawat ibinitin sa punongkahoy.”

Mga Taga-Galacia 3:13


Walang suwerte.

Kailan kaya giginhawa ang buhay ko?

Good luck na lang sa iyo!

These are the common lines we hear when people talk about seemingly hopeless situations. Kulang na lang sabihin mong isinumpa ka. Noon pa man, the Israelites knew that they were cursed if they did not follow the Law (Deuteronomy 27:26). Ayon sa Jewish tradition, there are 613 laws under the Law of Moses — kasama dito ang positive commandments at negative commandments o ‘yung mga hindi nila dapat gawin. In Deuteronomy 28:1–14, we read about the blessings for obeying the law, and in verses 15–68, the curses for disobeying the law. No wonder why the nation of Israel constantly experienced hardships, sicknesses, losses, and defeats — because they have not followed the Law completely.

Kahit na hindi tayo Israelites under the Law of Moses, we still follow certain commandments, moral codes, rules of conduct, dos and don’ts. Pero gaya ng Israelites, hindi rin natin kayang sundin ang lahat ng laws. Laws are good, but the bad news is — from God’s perspective, if you fail to do one law, you’re considered guilty of disobeying all of God’s laws (James 2:10).

Buti na lang, Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the Law. Nang ibitin Siya sa cross, He was cursed para ang sinumang manampalataya sa Kanya ay hindi na makakaranas ng kamalasan kundi pagpapala. The Law teaches us that we cannot be righteous just by following the dos and don’ts. What we need is Jesus. This explains why our relationship with God is not based on following the Law but through faith in Jesus (Galatians 3:11). Come to think of it, that’s a great blessing! Walang Cristianong malas, at hindi natin kailangang umasa sa good luck kundi sa good Lord na nagpala na sa atin.

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Thank You, Jesus, that You redeemed me from the curse. Hindi ako malas. Ako’y pinagpala!


When you are experiencing hardships, huwag mong isiping pinapahirapan ka ng Diyos. Always believe that God has a good plan for you.



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