APRIL 2023

Easter Sunday: He Is Risen!

by | 202304, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Beng Jones-Alba

Jesus is risen! That is the good news of today’s devotion. Come and listen to the last part of our series “The Suffering, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.”

“Wala na siya rito sapagkat siya’y muling nabuhay gaya ng kanyang sinabi. Halikayo’t tingnan ninyo ang pinaglibingan sa kanya. Magmadali kayo at ibalita sa kanyang mga alagad na siya’y muling nabuhay!”

Mateo 28:6–7

Mary Magdalene rose before the crack of dawn. The other Mary would meet her at the tomb of Jesus. Pagkarating nila roon, the earth shook and an angel of the Lord, with clothes as white as snow, appeared and rolled back the stone. He told them, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:5–6).

In John’s own account, we can read this touching scene between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Mary Magdalene, thinking that somebody took Jesus’ body away, was crying. When she turned around and saw who she thought was the gardener, she told him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him” (John 20:15). The man said to her, “Mary.” Her heart skipped a beat. She knows that voice, His voice. It was Him, Jesus — her master, her savior, her friend.

Immediately after His resurrection, Jesus could have chosen to show Himself to His enemies to silence them. Pero hindi, He sought out those who desperately needed to know He is alive. He must have wanted to save them from their own grief so their tears of sadness can be replaced with tears of joy. Much can be said about Jesus’ power over nature and disease. Or the ways He has fulfilled the prophecies of old. But this time, how about we think about how He loves?

Naparito si Jesus para ipakita sa atin ang pag-ibig ng Diyos Ama. Many claim to be gods but only One has conquered death. He is alive and lives in the hearts of those who believe. There could be no better ending for the story of Jesus’ time on earth. The Son of God did not stay dead. Jesus is risen.

Jesus suffered, died, and was raised from the dead to pay for our sins and to give us a new life. That’s why He is our Savior. If you still haven’t acknowledged Him, I invite you to pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me from sin. I accept You as my Savior. Reign in my life from now on.

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Dear Jesus, You are a powerful, loving, and personal God. My faith is not in vain because You are alive.


Will you recognize the voice of Jesus when He calls out your name? Ask Him to speak to you today.



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