Lending a Hand

by | 202309, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Beng Alba-Jones

Welcome to our series “The Miracles of Jesus.” Do you see Jesus as Someone who can always give you a hand? Listen to our devotion today.

Tiningnan niyang isa-isa ang mga taong nakapaligid at pagkatapos ay sinabi sa lalaki, “Iunat mo ang iyong kamay!” Iniunat nga ng lalaki ang kanyang kamay at ito’y gumaling.

Lucas 6:10

It was a Sabbath day. Jesus headed to the synagogue to teach. As usual, many people followed Him. Tucked in the crowd was a man with a shriveled right hand. It must have affected his ability to earn during that time when most men did physical labor for work. We don’t know if he was born with the condition or if it was from an accident. But wait, why was he here? To simply listen to the teacher or to ask help from the healer?  

Meanwhile, the Pharisees and teachers of the law were busy trying to catch Jesus make a mistake on the holy rest day. If only Jesus would do or say something wrong. Pero alam Niya kung ano ang iniisip nila. So, did He act scared and take extra care so as not to fall into His enemies’ trap? No, actually He did not seem to mind them. Because at that moment, He was more concerned about somebody else. He saw the man with a withered hand. Sinabi Niya sa lalaki, sa harap ng marami, “Stretch out your hand.” 

By Jesus’ actions, He answered the question about what’s lawful on the Sabbath, “To do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?” The God in flesh, Jesus, sees more than a crowd. With His tender eyes, He notices the needy and lends a hand.

This miracle of Jesus reminds us that He is compassionate and caring. At ganoon Siya sa iyo. Do join us tomorrow for another insight into the character of Jesus as He performed a miracle.

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Lord Jesus, You are the God of compassion and mercy. May I feel with Your heart, hear with Your ears, and see with Your eyes so I can help the needy.


Do you know anybody who needs help? Magkusang lapitan siya at tumulong. Whether it’s a big or small favor, do it in the name of Jesus. No need to broadcast to people what you have done. Keep it a secret, and let God who sees everything reward you.



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