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Narrated by Icko Gonzalez & Written by Abi Lam-Parayno

Kaya nga, hindi na hahatulang maparusahan ang mga taong nakipag-isa na kay Cristo Jesus.

Mga Taga-Roma 8:1

Mom guilt. Mothers, especially of small children, can relate well to this. ‘Yung pakiramdam na hindi mapakali at nakokonsensya just because you took a nap, or took a longer shower than usual, or went shopping even for necessities. Parang laging may nakabara sa dibdib ng isang inang kailangang iwan ang anak araw-araw upang pumasok sa trabaho. Para sa nanay na dumaranas ng mom guilt, kahit hindi lakwatsa ang pinuntahan, the struggle with the feeling of self-condemnation is so real! And we all know that if we’re feeling guilty, we are anxious, restless, and tired!

Ganito rin ang pinagdadaanan ng isang taong dumaranas ng guilt dahil sa nagawang kasalanan. Dahil alam nating hindi pleased si God sa nagawa nating kasalanan, we are anxious. Dahil natatakot tayong maparusahan Niya, we feel restless. And a heart that’s anxious and restless is exhausted!

The good news is, God has promised rest for our souls because His Son Jesus already died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus was the One who was punished for our sins, kaya kung magtitiwala tayo sa Kanya, hindi na tayo mapaparusahan (Romans 8:1). Then we can experience the peace of God and be at rest. This peace that He promises is genuine and attainable. Shouldn’t we be thankful that God is in the business not only of the forgiveness of our sins, but also in making sure His children experience peace that the world cannot give?

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Oh Father God, how awesome are Your gifts to us, Your children! Through Your Son Jesus, You take away our shame and remove our guilt. You put quietude in place of the stain. You bring love in place of the blame.


Inuusig ka ba ng iyong konsensya? Kausapin mo si Jesus at sabihin ang lahat ng iyong nasasaloob. Tanggapin mo ang Kanyang kapatawaran at kapayapaan.  



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