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Narrated by Celeste Endriga-Javier & Written by Celeste Endriga-Javier

Mapalad ang mga may malinis na puso, sapagkat makikita nila ang Diyos.

Mateo 5:8

Busy sa math drills ang seven-year-old na si Kaili. “Ten plus zero equals ten. Thirty plus zero equals thirty. One hundred plus zero equals …” Natigilan siya sa laki ng numeral. Nanay, help please!”

The quantity of zero is measured by the amount to which it is attached. Simple arithmetic.

How do we apply this principle to our Christian walk? Sa Mateo 5:8, nakasulat na “Mapalad ang mga may malinis na puso, sapagkat makikita nila ang Diyos.” Malinis na puso. Walang dumi, walang kalat. Zero sin. Ilang kasalanan lang ba ang allowed para makakuha ng pass papuntang langit? Zero. Pero baka naman madaan sa good works ang application for a heavenly visa? Yun para bang right minus wrong, good minus bad, pasado na. Wrong answer! How many millions kaya ang kailangan na humanitarian donations para magkaroon ng privilege of seeing God? Ay, bribing God ka pa, bokya! Actually, mas madali ang math ni God.

ONE sinless son of God, Jesus Christ, was sent to earth to be the ultimate sacrifice for ALL the sins of mankind. By His resurrection, He offers us eternal life in heaven. All we need to do is to accept this fact, plus zero works. Zero works plus faith in Jesus alone, equals salvation from our sins and a pass to join God in heaven!

“So OK lang na maging bad after we accept Jesus in our heart?” tanong ni Kaili. “Kung totoong tinanggap mo si Jesus sa iyong puso, the Holy Spirit lives in you, too. Kasi three in one si God—God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will teach you the ways of Jesus. Do you think God wants you to be bad?” Kaili was quick to answer, “No, kasi when I’m bad, I hurt other people and then I don’t feel right.” That feeling is what you call a conscience. The Holy Spirit is speaking to your spirit to help you be good.

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Heavenly Father, thank You for making Your math easy to understand. Would You open our minds so we can comprehend this simple yet compelling truth? Tinatanggap ko si Jesus sa aking puso. May I understand the significance of His sacrifice. Grant me the passion to share this truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Fill in the blanks with 0.

The square root of zero is ______.

10,458,200 × zero is __________.

Faith in Jesus Christ alone + ____ good works = salvation

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7 + 5 =