Trusting God to Heal

by | 202208, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Shiara Denise Cano

Kung hindi tayo sumasampalataya sa Diyos, hindi natin siya mabibigyang kaluguran, sapagkat ang sinumang lumalapit sa Diyos ay dapat sumampalatayang may Diyos na nagbibigay ng gantimpala sa mga nananalig sa kanya.  

Mga Hebreo11:6

The Lord Jesus did many miracles — He healed the blind, a paralytic, a bleeding woman, and many more. Not just once did He raise the dead and cast out demons. But what do we learn about the people that our Lord healed?

These people came to Him, humbled themselves, and trusted in Him who can heal them. If you ever experience a time of serious illness and uncertainty of being healed, willing ka ba to believe Him without any doubt? Mahirap, oo, pero hindi imposibleng gawin.

Let’s take for example ang centurion who came to Jesus asking for his servant to be healed. The Lord asked the centurion if He needed to come with him. Tumanggi ang centurion at sinabi niyang he is not worthy to receive Jesus in his home. Hiningi lang niya for Jesus to say the word towards his servant’s healing. Jesus was amazed at the faith of the centurion. This person not just recognized the power of Jesus but even His authority.

Whenever we come to God, asking to be healed, masasabi ba natin na buo ang ating faith at tunay nga ba na hinahanap natin Siya? Gaya nga ng sabi sa Hebrews 11:6, “ … He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.” God’s answer to us is not dependent on how flowery the words of our prayers are. His answer to us is dependent on how big our faith is and how humble we are before Him.

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My Dear Heavenly Father, teach me to be dependent on You with my whole heart, without any shadow of doubt. Ako po ay nagpapakumbaba sa harapan Ninyo, nanghihingi ng kagalingan. Thank You for the blood of Your  Son, Jesus. What a great blessing that we have received from You because of Him. Hinihingi ko po ang aking kagalingan sa pangalan ni Jesus, Amen.


Tandaan na ang ating Diyos ay hindi genie — somebody who will act on our wishes because we rubbed the lamp. Ang Kanyang gusto ay lapitan natin Siya at kilalanin na Siya ay Diyos. Siya din ang magkakaloob sa atin ng pagtitiwala at pananampalataya tungkol sa bagay na ipinapanalangin natin.



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