JULY 2023

What’s My Worth?

by | 202307, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Beng Alba-Jones

Ang anumang aking sangkap, ikaw O Diyos ang lumikha, sa tiyan ng aking ina’y hinugis mo akong bata. Pinupuri kita, O Diyos, marapat kang katakutan, ang lahat ng gawain mo ay kahanga-hangang tunay; sa loob ng aking puso, lahat ito’y nakikintal.

Awit 139:1314

Nakiki-hashtag ka rin ba? Are you the type of person who is online from sunup to sundown, telling the world in real time whats happening? Look at what I’m wearing. Look at where Im going. Look at who I am with. Never in history has this been possible until now. You dont have to be a famous celebrity to have a platform. You can be popular and attract a million followers, just by creating content about nothing and everything, and posting it online.

Unfortunately, this has a dark side. For those who have been conditioned to equate their worth with the number of likes they get, it can negatively impact their mental health. The apostle Paul warned Timothy about a time such as this. In his letter to his disciple, he said, “Dont be naive.  people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting ” (2 Timothy 3:12 The Message).

How, then, do we avoid the danger of falling into this narcissism trap? By going back to the One who made us. Even without posting a selfie that will get a thousand thumbs up, we already have great worth. The psalmist said, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well (Psalm 139:1314 NIV). Wonderful daw ang mga gawa Niya, at kasama tayo dun!

The next time you are having a pity party and wallowing in your insecurities, run to God. What He says about you will always carry more weight than all the reactions you will get — negative or positive — in the world.

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El Roi,* You, who created a million galaxies, see me as a star shining brightly for you (Daniel 12:3). Thank You that You have made me wonderfully.


Are you ready to do a 24-hour social media fast? Spend the time you would use to post content to read God’s Word and pray. Read Psalm 139 over and over again until the message penetrates your heart.



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