JUNE 2024

When Your Plans Don’t Happen

by | 202406, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Beng Alba-Jones

We can glean a lot of wisdom from the Book of Proverbs. And one of the themes covered by Proverbs concerns our plans and God’s plans. Welcome to our new series “Proverbs and Plans”.

Ang tao ang nagbabalak, ngunit si Yahweh ang nagpapatupad.

Mga Kawikaan 16:9

Twenty-year-old Nora had her life all figured out. After college, she will find a high-paying job. While working, she will meet the man of her dreams. They will marry and have two to three kids. She and her husband will raise them until they have families of their own. The grandchildren will come next. When she turns 60, Nora and her husband will move to a small farm to retire.

This long-term plan might seem ideal pero hindi ito ang nangyari. When she was twenty-one, Nora became a Christian. Her life radically changed. After graduating from college, she became a missionary. She went to Cambodia where she learned the language and grew to love the people. She partnered with a local Christian agency and started an orphanage. Her months of service turned into years, then into decades. She was able to care for hundreds of orphans, who eventually became faithful Christians themselves. When she turned seventy, she looked back with no regrets for the unrealized dreams of her youth. Her plans might have been good, but God had better plans for her, and made them happen. 

Are you struggling with your own plans today? Nafu-frustrate ka ba na hindi pa natutupad ang mga pangarap mo? Today’s verse reminds us that even if we make our own plans, ultimately, it is the Lord who determines our steps. We should not be afraid because His plans are exponentially better than ours. It’s like us asking for a stem of rose and God says no. Why? Because He would rather give us the whole garden.

Abangan bukas ang second and last part ng ating series na “Proverbs and Plans.” Don’t forget, the Lord will determine your steps today!

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I surrender all my plans and dreams to You, Lord, and ask that You reveal to me what You want me to do. I may not be able to gain the whole world but it’s OK because I would rather have You.


May sama ng loob ka ba sa Diyos because of your unfulfilled dreams? Consider that He might have other plans for you. Be prepared to do a mid-course correction as you now ask God to lead the way.



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