MARCH 2024

Anong Daily Diet Mo?

by | 202403, Devotionals

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Narrated by Jericho Arceo & Written by Yna S. Reyes

Sinabi ni Jesus, “Ako ang tinapay na nagbibigay-buhay. Ang lumalapit sa akin ay hindi na magugutom kailanman, at ang sumasampalataya sa akin ay hindi na mauuhaw kailanman.”

Juan 6:35

Napakaraming kinds of diets available sa mga health-conscious. Merong low carb and low salt. Merong high protein. Merong veggies lang lahat. Being conscious of what we eat is important for our physical health. Pero what about our spiritual health? How do we nourish our spirit? 

It begins with a real relationship with God. Ayon sa French philosopher na si Blaise Pascal, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man.” Ibig sabihin, hindi mabubusog ang puso natin until we fill that vacuum in our hearts with God Himself. Magagawa lang natin ito by believing in God’s one and only Son Jesus, and receiving Him into our lives (Juan 1:12). This is the first step toward spiritual nourishment and growth.

Kung paanong kailangan ng mga halaman ang daily doses of sunlight and water para lumago, our spirit also needs daily feeding. This is why we need to feed on the Word of God daily, and deeply. Walang complicated diet regimen na kailangang sundin for our spiritual growth. Ang kailangan lang ay consistent feeding and drinking. Feeding from the Bread of Life Himself. Drinking from the wells of the Living Water Himself. Si Jesus lang ang makakabusog sa atin at makakapawi ng ating uhaw. And He revealed Himself in the Bible. So kung gusto mong mabusog kay Jesus, read the Bible every day. Feed on His Word daily, and deeply.

Kumusta naman ang daily diet ng spirit mo? If wala ka pang regular Bible reading, puwede mong simulan sa Gospel of John. It will show you Jesus in all His goodness and glory.

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Panginoon, gusto ko pong mabusog sa Inyo. At gagawin ko po ito by reading Your Word every day. Gusto ko pong lumalim in knowing and loving You. Tulungan po Ninyo ako.


Basahin ang John 1:1–18. Read it at least two times — slowly and prayerfully. Then, make a list ng lahat ng sinasabi ng passage na ito about Jesus. Then ask yourself: “Kilala ko na ba talaga si Jesus?”



10 + 1 =