APRIL 2022

Are You One of Them?

by | 202204, Devotionals

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Narrated by Peter Kairuz & Written by Yna Reyes

Sumagot si Pedro, “Mamatay man ako! Talagang hindi ko nakikilala ang taong iyan.” Pagkasabing-pagkasabi nito, tumilaok ang manok. Naalala ni Pedro ang sinabi ni Jesus, “Bago tumilaok ang manok, tatlong beses mo akong ikakaila.” Lumabas siya at tumangis nang buong kapaitan.

Mateo 26:74–75

Peter was one of the first recruits of Jesus to be His disciples. He witnessed the miraculous works of Jesus first hand. He was in Jesus’ inner circle. Just a few days before this incident in the courtyard, Peter (with John and James) saw how Jesus “transfigured before them, and his face shone like sun, and his clothes became white as light” (Matthew 17:2, ESV).

After three years of intense training with Jesus and a recent mountaintop experience in Jesus’ transfiguration, Peter was reduced to a wimp in the midst of danger. When pressed with the question “Are you one of them?” he quickly denied his relationship with his Lord.

“Ang duwag naman ni Peter!” we are quick to say. But can we honestly say we never denied our relationship with Jesus one time or another?

When someone asks if you’re a Christian, do you say yes with confidence and joy? When a seeker is curious about the faith you profess, are you ready to share the Good News and its impact in your life? When you are pressed for an explanation on why you refuse to do certain things, how do you respond?

Moreover, how we live each day could either be a profession or a denial of our relationship with Jesus. What we follow online as well as what we post. The movies we watch on Netflix and how much time we spend watching. How we spend our money and how much (or how little) we give to others. How we respond to the corruption that is so rampant in our society and how we stand on issues of social justice. In all these and more, others will know whether we are truly one of Jesus’ followers.

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Dear Jesus, like Peter I am a wimp. Forgive me for the many times I denied that I am Your follower. Grant me the courage to show others through how I live that I belong to You.


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