Before You Lose Your Temper

by | 202108, Devotionals, Salvation, Security

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Narrated by Icko Gonzalez & Written by Rhoxanne Villasin

Mga kapatid kong minamahal, unawain ninyo ito: maging alisto kayo sa pakikinig, dahan-dahan sa pagsasalita at huwag agad magagalit.

Santiago 1:19

Lahat ng tao ngayon may opinion. Expert man o hindi sa isyu na pinag-uusapan, basta may gustong sabihin kahit wala namang basehan, magsasalita’t magsasalita. Ang ganitong attitude ang pinagmumulan ng misunderstanding and strife. Kitang-kita ‘yan ngayon sa social media and kahit sa mga opisina, classroom, o neighborhood. Lalo tuloy gumugulo ang magulo na nating mundo.

Pero may tip na ibinigay sa atin si Apostle James para maiwasan ang unnecessary clashes. Napaka-basic lang. Maging alisto sa pakikinig, dahan-dahan sa pagsasalita, at huwag agad magagalit.

Basic pero medyo challenging. Lalo na kung ‘yung kausap mo eh parang lagi yatang may inaaway. Pero piliin pa rin nating maging chill. Hinga nang malalim at ‘wag pairalin ang emosyon. Sa tuwing pinipili nating mag-exercise ng self-control, may kasunod itong good consequences. Ina-affirm ito ng Bible. Tingnan mo ang verses na ito:

Hot tempers start fights; a calm, cool spirit keeps the peace (Proverbs 15:18 MSG).

Answering before listening is both stupid and rude (Proverbs 18:13 MSG).

Watch your words and hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a lot of grief (Proverbs 21:23 MSG).

Ilan lang ‘yan sa napaka-insightful tips mula sa Salita ng Diyos. You’ll discover more as you read and dig deeper.

Going back to James 1:19, the bottom line is, huminahon tayo. Wala namang mawawala sa atin if we’ll take our time to process the situation before saying anything. The willingness to listen, thinking before speaking, and not getting angry too soon is kindness—to yourself and to the person you’re talking to. Hindi man ito gawin ng ibang tao, resolve to do it. You are making this world a better place, maniwala ka.

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Lord, teach me to have a humble heart. When people around me give me all the reasons to lose my temper, enable me to be patient. Help me to control my tongue and speak only words that would honor Your name. Make me a channel of Your love and goodness to those around me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Develop the habit of listening to someone attentively. Every time you feel like you’ll lose your temper, take a step back and breathe, o di kaya take a walk. This will help you process your emotions and think clearly.



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