Better Than Artificial Intelligence

by | 202401, Devotionals

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Narrated by Neo Rivera & Written by Beng Alba-Jones

Ang paggalang at pagsunod kay Yahweh ay pasimula ng karunungan, ngunit walang halaga sa mga mangmang ang aral at mga saway.

Mga Kawikaan 1:7

It’s scary how much technology has advanced. Artificial Intelligence can now process data and make it seem that it can think like humans. For example, you can ask AI technology ChatGPT to explain any subject or compose emails, and magagawa ito para sa iyo. Other similar programs can create art and music, and to think that this is relatively new technology. Imagine what it can do years or decades from now!

But AI technology is cold, soulless, morally neutral. Marami mang itong magagawa, it can never come close to how we think and how we feel, we who are created in the image of God.

So, is it not the best source of wisdom? Although it can do complex tasks, kulang pa rin ito. King Solomon, the wisest person who ever lived, said in Proverbs 1:7 (NIV), “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Kapag may takot ka sa Diyos, you submit to Him in humility and faith. Kapag may takot ka sa Diyos, you seek His will. Kapag may takot ka sa Diyos, galit ka sa kasamaan at gagawin mo ang lahat para maiwasan ito.

Artificial Intelligence can do many things, but it cannot teach you how to fear God. For that, you need to walk closely with Him day by day, read His Word, and pray. Godly wisdom will not just lead you to knowledge, it will lead you to God Himself.

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Dear Lord, Creator of all things in heaven and on earth, teach me to know and do Your will. I do not want the vain knowledge of man but the wisdom that leads to You.


Do you need to make a big decision? Before making it, pray about the matter. Ask God to give you wisdom on what to do. Consider what decision will honor Him and what will not keep you away from who or what’s more important, and what will bring the greatest good.



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