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Narrated by Erick Totanes & Written by Lucille Ocampo-Talusan

Dumating ang kanyang mga alagad nang sandaling iyon, at nabigla sila nang makita nilang nakikipag-usap si Jesus sa isang Samaritana….

Juan 4:27

Are you the type of person who can initiate a conversation with anybody? Madali ba para sa iyo ang magsabi ng hi o hello sa kapitbahay mo o makipag-usap sa mga taong first time mo ma-meet sa conference, sa eroplano, mahabang pila, at iba pang mga pagkakataon? There are many opportunities where we can make small conversations with people from just a simple hi or hello. Pero aminin natin, there are times when we choose to just ignore kasi hindi natin type makipag-usap. Kaya yuyuko na lang tayo para mag-games sa cellphone or just look the other way to avoid engaging in a conversation with the person across the room.

Pero alam ba ninyo that small conversations can lead to something beautiful and life-changing?

There are powerful conversations that lead to breakthroughs, healing, deliverance, or the salvation of that person you are talking to. Just like the conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus asked for water from this woman even if Jews were not supposed to associate with Samaritans (John 4:9). During their conversation, Jesus revealed Himself as the source of the living water that springs up to eternal life (v. 14). The woman was amazed that Jesus knew about her having five husbands (v. 16–18). But instead of condemning her, Jesus revealed that He is the Messiah the Samaritan woman had heard about (vv. 25–26).

As a result of her encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman who felt guilty and inferior because of her sinful life was transformed into a believer, a woman of confidence who boldly told others about Jesus causing them to come and believe in Him (v. 28–30).

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Lord Jesus, help me to be like You in starting conversations. You were thirsty and yet you talked to the Samaritan woman. Help me to remember that weariness is not an excuse for not talking to people about You. Help me to be intentional in discerning the spiritual needs of the people that You put in my path. Give me a heart of compassion for them. Amen.


Begin a conversation by simply saying hi or hello to a person that you will randomly meet this week.  Ask the Holy Spirit for a discerning spirit as you take your conversation deeper. Give him/her encouraging words or a promise from the Bible, then talk about Jesus. Who knows, your conversation may lead to a breakthrough in that person’s life.



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