APRIL 2024

Tutulungan Ka ni Lord, Ngayon Din

by | 202403, Devotionals

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Narrated by Felichi Pangilinan-Buizon & Written by Lucille Ocampo-Talusan

Ang Diyos ang ating lakas at kanlungan, at handang saklolo kung may kaguluhan.

Awit 46:1

Have you ever been in trouble, ‘yung hindi ka makatulog dahil sa laki ng problema mo? Iyan ang na-experience ni Rica. Ilang gabi na siyang hindi makatulog dahil araw-araw siyang hina-harass ng credit card collection agent sa telepono. And worse, nakatanggap siya ng sulat from the legal office ng collection agency. Dito na sobrang na-stress si Rica kasi takot siyang mademanda! Dahil sa mga hindi inaasahang gastos, hindi mabayaran ni Rica ang utang sa credit card na lumobo na sa interes.

Out of her desperation, she prayed to the Lord. Agad naman siyang sinagot ni Lord. God reminded her of a friend who is a financial life coach. Following her friend’s advice, she asked the credit card company for amnesty at hinulug-hulugan niya ang utang minus the accumulated interests and penalties. Parang nabunutan ng tinik si Rica. Naisip niya na kung humingi siya agad ng tulong kay Lord, eh di sana na-spare siya from so much unnecessary stress and sleepless nights.

Kung minsan, para tayong si Rica. When we are faced with big problems — in our finances, relationships, health issues, sa trabaho at pati problema ng mga mahal natin sa buhay — we become so overwhelmed that we tend to forget to ask help from God. Samantalang palagi pala Siyang nakaabang sa pagtawag natin ng saklolo sa Kanya. He is God, our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. The Hebrew word for refuge is “machaceh” which refers to a shelter from storms and danger. God keeps us safe from troubles. Siya rin ang ating kalakasan. God will not only help but He Himself is our help! At hindi Siya late o absent kundi lagi Siyang present and on time. 

Are you in trouble? Anuman ang iyong pinagdadaanan, you can rest assured na tutulungan ka ni Lord ngayon din.

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Father God, tulungan Ninyo po ako sa _______ (sabihin mo kay Lord ang iyong problema). Ipadama Ninyo po sa akin na kasama ko Kayo ngayon. Thank You for helping me overcome this problem. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


Go to your room. Kneel down and ask God for help. Then be silent and write down the strategies that the Holy Spirit will impress in your heart and reveal through God’s Word to solve your problem.



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