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Narrated by Mari Kaimo & Written by Honeylet Venisse A. Velves

Ngunit higit na malakas ang tulong na ibinigay niya sa atin. Kaya’t sinasabi ng kasulatan, “Ang Diyos ay laban sa mga mapagmataas ngunit nalulugod sa mga mapagkumbaba.”

Santiago 4:6

Naging outlet na ni Mishka ang kanyang social media para i-post ang kanyang nararamdaman. Kadalasan nga lang sa mga ito, puro rants sa mga nangyayari sa office, restaurants, at maging sa jeep o bus na sinasakyan niya. Para sa kanya, “human rights” ang kanyang ipinaglalaban.

Siguradong hindi lang si Mishka ang nakaranas nito. Lahat tayo at some point, na-feel natin na we deserve better. But do we realize the very fine line between fighting for our rights and being entitled? Paano nga ba natin malalaman ang difference nito?

Most of the time, entitlement is evident kapag ginawa na natin itong lifestyle. For example, konting mali lang ng tao, agad nating ico-confront without putting ourselves in their shoes. Or gusto nating mauna lagi sa pila when we could wait for our turn in the line. Entitlement speaks loudly even in our small actions.

Instead of putting ourselves above everyone, let’s try to be more understanding and encouraging toward our fellow. Let’s give others the benefit of the doubt at mapapansin natin na kakalma ang ating raging hearts. Gaya ng paalala ng Santiago 4:6, maging mapagpakumbaba tayo dahil ito ang ikinalulugod ng Diyos. On the other hand, laban ang Diyos sa mapagmataas.

If you feel that you are uniquely superior kaya you can always demand special treatment at the expense of others, ask God for a change of mind and heart.  With that, puwede kang sumabay sa maikling panalangin na ito:

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Lord, inaamin ko na minsan, nagmamataas ako because of an entitlement issue. Nagpapakumbaba ako sa Inyo ngayon. Renew my mind and heart that I may be more understanding toward others. Instead of being a burden because of my rants, help me to be proactive, doing concrete things to be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Each time you catch yourself ranting, stop and pray first. Ask God to intervene sa situation na inirereklamo mo. Think of positive ways by which you can help para maayos ang sitwasyon.



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